Phase 3A Homeowners Association, Inc.
Monthly Meeting
April 10, 2008
The April monthly meeting was called to order at 9AM by President, Paul Helmstetter. All members were present. Barbara Oakes opened the meeting with prayer.
The Secretary’s report was read and approved. Byron Harris made a motion to accept, Pat Rose second.
The Treasurer’s report was read and approved. Barbara Oakes made a motion to accept, John Newsome second. Pat Rose reported that only 7 homeowners have not paid their 2008 dues. Letters were mailed to those homeowners on 4/1/08.
- Advisory Committee needs to be reinstated. Each Board member is to provide input to Paul by 8/31/08 on possible changes or upgrades to our previous Advisory Committee responsibilities.
- By-Laws: Paul will work on amendments to the By-laws and Articles of Incorporation to be presented at the next meeting of the homeowners.
- Pet Waste Station has been installed. Thanks to John Rose for his work.
- Exhaust for Ladies shower. An additional exhaust fan has been installed in the Ladies shower area.
- Fire Hydrant marking and inspection: Byron reported on his research on the Osprey Point need for marking our fire hydrants. Each fire truck has a map of the locations within our area and marking them is not necessary. He checked with Dewanna on inspections. An outside company inspects them each summer. No further action is needed by us.
- Discussed the need for a copier for HOA business. Pat to follow up on this in the fall.
- Recycling: Barbara introduced the idea of recycling. She will discuss this with Dewanna and the 4 Phase group and present a plan for review in the fall.
- Summer mail and bills: Barbara will be here most of the year. She will take care of the mail and bills until Pat returns.
- Security: Barbara is to discuss our current policy for gate code control and visitor treatment with Dewanna. There were several suggestions made that could help improve our overall security.
- Communications: John discussed the possibility of establishing an Osprey Point e-mail mailing list for those residents who would like to have one. This could be used as an informational tool or to communicate emergency situations. Another option might be a web-site. He will research these possibilities and report his findings next meeting.
- County Commissioners Presentation Report: As a result of the presentations Bruce and Paul made to the County Commissioners on 4/9/08, a meeting is to be scheduled with the appropriate parties to determine our path forward on the fence. Prior to this meeting, Paul will communicate with both the County Commissioners and Eric Peterson that we would like this to be a face-to-face meeting with the understanding that we may not have the authority to make final decisions without approval of the HOA membership. Bruce will continue to work on this committee’s project.
Barbara Oakes made a motion to recess until 1:00 PM when the BOD will reconvene to organize the file cabinets. Pat second. The meeting was recessed at 10:40 AM.
Three members of the BOD reconvened at 1 PM and began organizing the file cabinets, when Ron Birckhead interrupted the work session with camera in hand, making accusatory remarks to the board members. Work ceased and the meeting was adjourned. This process will be continued at a later date.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Newsome
Secretary-Osprey Point HOA