Osprey Point Web Site - 1/5/2022



Phase 3A Homeowners Association, Inc.

Monthly Meeting

February 12, 2009


The February monthly meeting was called to order at 9:01 AM by president, Paul Helmstetter.  All members were present.  Barbara Oakes opened the meeting with prayer.


John Newsome, Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. Byron Harris made a motion to accept as read.  Barbara Oakes second.  Motion carried.


Pat Rose presented the Treasurer’s report.  This included the 2008 Audit sheet and corrected Budget sheet for the annual meeting to change the date from 2008 to read 2009.  Byron made a motion to accept. Barbara second.  Motion carried.



Jerry Fall requested the process for registration and voting for the Annual meeting.  There will be four people registering members by alphabetical groupings.  Pat Rose will have a table set up for collecting annual dues.  John Newsome will be collecting proxies.  After the meeting, members will return to their check-in line to have their name checked off and place their ballots in the box.  Votes will be counted by Jerry’s committee after all votes are cast.  The count will take place at the Main clubhouse.  Anyone is allowed to remain at the clubhouse, but may not interfere with the count in any way.


The subject of witness signatures on the Proxy form was discussed and determined to not be necessary.  Pat made a motion to not require witness signatures on 2009 proxies and change our Proxy forms for 2010.  Barbara second.  Motion carried.


Comments were made concerning opposition to the proposed assessment for security plantings.  A vote on this subject is scheduled for the Annual meeting.


SUGGESTING BOX:  There were no items in the suggestion box.



 - Paul met with Bill Reynolds and Dewanna Moore on 1/19/2009 to determine where possible security plants may be planted.  Permission was granted to plant 2 ½’ to 3’ from Deer Creek property line, directly behind current plantings.  This would allow them to receive water from current sprinklers.  If assessment is approved, they would follow the same curve as current trees.  We must maintain and very little maintenance would be required.

- Berm integrity has still not been repaired behind Royal Troon.  Paul to follow-up.

- Current By-law changes have been recorded and are included in the 2009 Annual meeting package.

- Weeds on Posner property behind St. George have been cut.

- Barbara contacted the donor of computer and cabinet budget funds.  Permission was given the BOD to use these funds as needed for community improvements.

- Water meter issues must be addressed on an individual basis with Dewanna.



- Several residents had mentioned the possibility of placing a gazebo in the pool area for shade.  It was determined that there is little space and afternoon shade is provided by the Clubhouse.  There are also umbrellas stored at the clubhouse that are currently not available for use.  John is to discuss with Dewanna how we might make them available and how we can ensure they are maintained in a way that those who use them, are responsible for closing and securing them.

- The BOD agreed that the Webmaster Guide meets our needs and was another excellent job by Joe Golden.

-The 2009 BOD will address the records organization based on record retention guidelines.


Byron made a motion to adjourn.  Barbara second. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 AM.


Respectfully submitted,



John Newsome, Secretary HOA BOD