Osprey Point Web Site - 1/5/2022

Phase 3A Homeowners Association, Inc.
Monthly Meeting, March 9, 2009


The meeting was called to order by President, Barbara Oakes at 12:32 pm.  Barbara opened the meeting with prayer.  All members were present.


The Secretary’s report was read.  Clare Fox made a motion to accept as read.  A second was made by Byron Harris.  Motion carried.


The Treasurer reported there are 53 members who have not yet paid their HOA dues.  The deadline for pay without penalty is April 1, 2009.


There were no items in the Suggestion Box.



-         Ben Molis expressed a concern that the Social Committee is not an arm of the HOA and that all Social Committee members do not have access to clubhouse storage and equipment.

-         Fred Tuttle requested permission to form a committee to investigate the pros and cons of Osprey Point becoming a 55+ community.  Permission was granted and he will report his findings at the April HOA BOD meeting.


-         Jerry Fall, Barbara Oakes and Byron Harris will represent Osprey Point on the Four Phase Interest Group. This group had a large impact on improving water rates.

-         Bill Trombly and Bruce Wanless will continue on the Property/Construction Committee to follow impact of growth on our community.


-         Berm integrity is still incomplete.  Barbara to follow up with Dewanna, Reynolds and Peterson.

-         John reported an umbrella is available at the pool.  If more are needed, contact a member of the BOD.

-         Record Retention/Organization- BOD to verify rules of record retention and set a date for organizing the files.

-         Nellie Stevens Hollies – The assessment vote was very close and the need still exists for improvements these trees could provide, i.e.: future security, wind break, noise control and less trash in retention areas.  John to follow up on this, including alternate ways of funding and report back at April BOD meeting.


-         Club house lights- Dewanna is requiring a light be on in all clubhouses after dark.  Security personnel will turn lights on and off per Deer Creek schedule.

-         2010 HOA BOD Election Committee – Jerry Fall will be chairman and select committee members.

-         Community Association Living Study Council will have a meeting in Tampa on 3/13/2009.  See community bulletin board for details.

-         By-Laws – Each BOD member is to review current by-laws vs. Florida law and discuss possible changes at April BOD meeting.  A concern of how video taping is done in our meetings was discussed.  Legal guidelines will be established prior to our next annual meeting.

-         Annual Meeting Package Distribution – in an attempt to lower mailing cost, we are requesting authorization to e-mail these packages to those with computers.  This could save approximately $300 per year.  John Newsome is the contact for this authorization.


Clare made a motion to adjourn.  There was a second by Byron.  Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted,



John Newsome, Secretary HOA BOD